The show was a terrific experience, I generally end up showing drawings and sculpture separately from each other. Since I had the gallery all to myself I had the chance to put the two together for a show of what I was calling my "celebration-based work" which included a new woven table based piece, the high-five self portrait, veneer bows, and drawings.
I was especially happy with the way the drawings looked all grouped together. I think they look more object like and grouping them made them both seem bigger and showcased the relationships and repeating forms between the pieces.

I had a great time reconnecting with my host all around Memphis art superstar Hamlett Dobbins. We hadn't seen each other since Iowa City and it was lovely to meet his family. Hamlett introduced me great people like Melissa Dunn, fellow flag lover Joel Parsons, and Erin Harmon, AND we had a chance to swing by Melissa and Erin's studios before I flew out on Saturday.
The show received some press here and there and here is an awesome response to my lecture at Rhodes from Chandler Pritchett.