extraordinaire and Iowa Alum (although we didn't overlap)
Danielle Rante asked me to be a part of an exchange portfolio for the
Mid American Print Council. I'm kind of excited because the portfolio contains artists who don't identify entirely as
printmakers and is open to variable editions. I'm using the exciting mediums of the
lenticular holography (fancy sounding right?) laser printing, and
Velcro for my piece. As it's coming together I'm feeling pretty excited about it.
In grad school I often identified far more with Sculpture and Printmaking which I minored in than I did Painting and Drawing. As someone who's home life involve daily discussions of
printmaking while I'm in the thick of putting the finishing touches on her first show of only two dimensional work since 2000 it's nice to be making multiples at the same time- even if I didn't get my hands all inky.